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- 12 Άτοκες
Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition)
Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition)-VenddEshop
Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition) - ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ | VenddEshop
Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition) - ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ | VenddEshop
Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition) | Bιβλία
ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ: 9781649800336
ΜΑΡΚΑ: Assouline
Τιμή 85,00 €
Tiffany & Co. has transformed from a modest purveyor of gift items to a globally renowned byword for luxury and romance, sublime and rare gemstones, joyful objects of love and an inimitable mix of tradition and modernity. Tiffany is a name that resonates across generations and cultures, part of the fabric of social and cultural history, an American institution gifted to the world, an emporium of escapism, a repository of dreams.
During its 185 years, Tiffany & Co. has continued to evolve creatively, embracing artistic and cultural influences, finding exciting ways to renew its rich legacy. Since the 1950s, Tiffany has brought on designers who have become iconic names, from Jean Schlumberger to Elsa Peretti and Paloma Picasso, ensuring that Tiffany remains dynamic and relevant to each generation. The company’s design-driven dynamism honors and perpetuates the founder’s pioneering spirit.
Conceived as the catalog to accompany the exhibition Vision and Virtuosity at the Saatchi Gallery in London, this Assouline volume encapsulates all the romance and heritage of this world-famous American icon, highlighting Tiffany’s creative inspirations, witty advertisements and window displays, Blue Book jewel collections and diamond expertise, plus the stories behind the blue box, the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the fabulous yellow Tiffany Diamond.
During its 185 years, Tiffany & Co. has continued to evolve creatively, embracing artistic and cultural influences, finding exciting ways to renew its rich legacy. Since the 1950s, Tiffany has brought on designers who have become iconic names, from Jean Schlumberger to Elsa Peretti and Paloma Picasso, ensuring that Tiffany remains dynamic and relevant to each generation. The company’s design-driven dynamism honors and perpetuates the founder’s pioneering spirit.
Conceived as the catalog to accompany the exhibition Vision and Virtuosity at the Saatchi Gallery in London, this Assouline volume encapsulates all the romance and heritage of this world-famous American icon, highlighting Tiffany’s creative inspirations, witty advertisements and window displays, Blue Book jewel collections and diamond expertise, plus the stories behind the blue box, the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the fabulous yellow Tiffany Diamond.
- 256 pages
- 230 illustrations
- Released in September 2022
- W 19.3 x L 27.6 x D 3.4 cm
- Handcrafted silk volume in a silk clamshell case
- 1.588 kg
- ItemId: 519371
- Name: Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition)
- ItemCode: T345379147
- ContentProviderCode: 338520
- EntityId: 19
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- UpdatedOn: 15/6/2023 11:45:03 μμ
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- ProductItemId: 519371
- ProductItemId: 519371
- CreatedOn: 25/10/2022 12:15:26 μμ
- UpdatedOn: 13/8/2024 9:45:45 μμ
- SKU: T345379147
- SupplierProductCode: 9781649800336
- Κατασκευαστής: 130947
- ManufacturerProductCode: 9781649800336
- Name: Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition)
- Description: When Charles Lewis Tiffany opened his first store in 1837 in New York City, selling "fancy goods" imported from Paris, he could not have imagined the visions of glamour that his name would conjure around the world
- TaxClassId: 1
- Stock: 1
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- AvailabilityTypeId: 1
- IsBundle: False
- IsBundleStockAutonomus: True
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- CreatedOn: 25/10/2022 12:15:19 μμ
- ItemStatusId: 0
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- Τύπος προιόντος: 1
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- Is Part Of SeoName: True
- SearchKeywords ItemId: 519371
- CheckAvailability: False
Email: [email protected] | Τηλ: +302111094500 | Λεωφ. Συγγρού 154 Καλλιθέα, 17671, Αθήνα
85,00 €
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Αγοράστε το και κερδίστε 850 πόντους
Δωρεάν Μεταφορικά για παραγγελίες άνω των 39€
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Tiffany & Co Vision And Virtuosity (Icon Edition)
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